User the export file and controller function
..Good To Go
Programing Coderfunda
April 30, 2024
Excel, Laravel
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User the export file and controller function
..Good To Go
Programing Coderfunda
April 30, 2024
Excel, Laravel
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User the export file and controller function
..Good To Go
Programing Coderfunda
September 27, 2023
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'mysql' => [ 'driver' => 'mysql', 'url' => env('DATABASE_URL'), 'host' => env('DB_HOST', ''), 'port' => env('DB_PORT', '3306'), 'database' => env('DB_DATABASE', 'forge'), 'username' => env('DB_USERNAME', 'forge'), 'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD', ''), 'unix_socket' => env('DB_SOCKET', ''), 'charset' => 'utf8mb4', 'collation' => 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci', 'prefix' => '', 'prefix_indexes' => true, //'strict' => true, 'strict' => false, 'engine' => null, 'options' => extension_loaded('pdo_mysql') ? array_filter([ // PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA => env('MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA'), PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => false ]) : [], ],
Programing Coderfunda
August 29, 2023
Ajax, Laravel
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You can enable CORS in Laravel by adding the following code to the app/Http/Middleware/VerifyCsrfToken.php file:
protected $addHttpCookie = true;
protected $except = [
This code tells Laravel to exclude all routes from CSRF protection, allowing cross-origin requests to be made without being blocked.
You can also use this Alternatively way.
Step 1: Install Compose Package
Alternatively, you can install the barryvdh/laravel-cors package using Composer to enable CORS in your Laravel application. This package provides a middleware that you can add to your Laravel application to allow cross-origin requests. Here are the steps to install and use the package:
Install the package using Composer:
composer require barryvdh/laravel-cors
Step 2: Add Middleware
Add the following code to the $middleware array in the app/Http/Kernel.php file:
Step 2: Configure CORS
Add the following code to the config/cors.php file to specify the domains that are allowed to make cross-origin requests:
'allowed_origins' => [
'allowed_methods' => [
'allowed_headers' => [
With these steps,
Programing Coderfunda
May 25, 2023
Ajax, Laravel
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Programing Coderfunda
May 18, 2023
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Minicli is a lightweight PHP structure for building order line applications. While it gives a moderate methodology, you can in any case make strong CLI applications with it. Here are some little yet strong CLI application thoughts that you can carry out utilizing Minicli:
Schedule Director: Make an order line application that permits clients to deal with their errands and plans for the day. Clients can add undertakings, mark them as finished, erase errands, and view their rundown.
Climate Correspondent: Foster a CLI application that gets climate information from a climate Programming interface in view of client input (e.g., city or Postal division). It can show current atmospheric conditions, figures, and other important data.
Document Coordinator: Fabricate a CLI application that sorts out records in a registry in light of their sort, expansion, or different models. Clients can determine the source and objective catalogs, and the application will move or duplicate documents in like manner.
Secret phrase Generator: Make a CLI application that produces solid, irregular passwords in view of client characterized models like length, consideration of extraordinary characters, or explicit person sets.
URL Shortener: Foster a CLI application that interfaces with a URL shortening administration Programming interface to abbreviate long URLs and give an abbreviated variant to more straightforward sharing.
Word Counter: Form a CLI application that takes a text document or contribution from the client and counts the quantity of words, characters, lines, or other pertinent insights.
ASCII Workmanship Generator: Foster a CLI application that changes over a picture or text input into ASCII craftsmanship. Clients can determine the information record, textual style, and other customization choices.
Markdown to HTML Converter: Make a CLI application that changes over Markdown documents to HTML. Clients can indicate the information record and alternatively tweak the result document area and arrangement.
Keep in mind, these are only a few guides to kick you off. With Minicli, you have the adaptability to make different sorts of order line applications in view of your particular prerequisites. You can use the effortlessness and extensibility of Minicli to fabricate little yet strong CLI applications custom fitted to your requirements.
Here new way ....
Building CLI applications can be a lot of fun. We don't have to worry about the UI, and we can write beautiful PHP code that doesn't need any build steps.
When building CLI applications in PHP, we aren't as spoilt for choice as in building web applications - but there are some solid contenders. From using the defacto standard Symfony Console component or the extra spicy Laravel Zero. However, when building a CLI application, you may want to be as dependency free as possible - which is where Minicli comes in. Minicli was released a while ago by Erika Heidi as an experiment to build a dependency-free CLI framework that leaned on PHPs readline extension as its only dependency.
I have been spending a lot of time investigating CLI options for a project I am working on. At first, I started with my usual choice: Laravel Zero. It is familiar to me and any other developer who knows Laravel. Then I started questioning the portability aspect and requiring PHP for people who want to use it. This is for work, and not all of our users have PHP installed. So I dived into the world of compiled languages, looking at both GoLang and Rust. While there aren't many options available, the options out there are excellent.
There has been a lot of talk about native PHP recently, which drew my attention back toward the PHP space. What if I could build a lightweight, easy-to-maintain, and portable PHP CLI application? This was when I took another look at Minicli. Having played with it when it first came out, I was impressed with how nice it was to use for something dependency free - but also how easy it was to get started!
The recommended approach for building a Minicli application is to use the application skeleton and composer to set everything up and ready for you.
composer create-project --prefer-dist minicli/application my-awesome-idea
The directories should be familiar enough for you as Laravel developers, having an app
directory and namespace. The commands you can create are recommended to be built as Command Controllers
, which are class-based commands.
We create a command namespace under app/Commands
, where you keep your commands.
mkdir app/Commands/LaravelNews
Under each namespace, you can add multiple commands for different variations. It is inferred that if no arguments are passed, you will want to use the DefaultController
. Let's have a look at how to create a command.
declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Command\LaravelNews; use Minicli\Command\CommandController; final class DefaultController extends CommandController{ public function handle(): void { $this->getPrinter()->display("Laravel News rocks"); }}
Each command controller must be handled
and doesn't have to return anything - unlike in Symfony or Laravel Zero, where an exit code is expected. To interact with output, you get the printer - and ask it to output something.
So, if we want to add an alternative version - we can create another command controller in our namespace.
declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Command\LaravelNews; use Minicli\Command\CommandController; final class InfoController extends CommandController{ public function handle(): void { $this->getPrinter()->info("Laravel News rocks"); }}
Now we can call our command:
./minicli laravel-news info
Which will give a different view to the default command, and we can use the following other options:
: A simple text
: An informative text output.error()
: An error formatted text output.success()
: A success formatted text output.
Each option accepts a second argument as alt
for alternative output, which will do a block color output with writing instead of colored writing.
It isn't as pretty as something like Laravel Zero using Termwind - but sometimes you don't need pretty!
Usually, when building a CLI application, we want to interact with a third-party API or another service to perform an action or logic. In Minicli, this is done by creating services.
// minicli$app = new App();$app->registerService( 'email', new MyEmailImplementation(),);
Then within our commands, we can get the app instance and call our service directly:
public function handle(): void{ $service = $this->getApp()->email; try { $service->send(new EmailTemplate()); } catch (Throwable $exception) { $this->getPrinter()->error($exception->getMessage()); }}
So we have a lightweight, powerful CLI framework that we can leverage to aid in our development workflow - that has no dependencies allowing us to write beautiful PHP.