Redistribute spaces in a fixed-size array of characters
I was given this problem during a g00gle interview last year (hint hint). I didn't pass that round, but I recently coded up my solution and was wondering if this is right, or if there's a better solution? Thanks!
Input: fixed-size array of characters, containing:
- 0 or more leading spaces
- 0 or more words separated by 1 or more spaces
- 0 or more trailing spaces
Output: the same array where spaces are re-distributed between the words in such a way that they are:
- no more leading spaces
- no more trailing spaces
- roughly the same space gaps between the words. I.e. the minimum and the maximum number of spaces between the words can not differ by more than 1.
Restriction: in-place algorithm. Do not use additional space for copying the characters.
- Input: "....word1.....word2.....word3....."
- Output: "word1.........word2..........word3"
- Gaps: 10 and 9
My solution: (I do notice that since string is immutable in python, my solution is not in-place?)
# remove leading and trailing spaces
s = raw_input()
orig_len = len(s)
s = s.strip(" ")
new_len = len(s)
# find indices of non-space chars
indices = [i for i in range(new_len) if s[i] != ' ']
num_spaces = orig_len - len(indices)
# find indices of start and end of words
start_indices = [indices[i] for i in range(1, len(indices)) if indices[i] != (indices[i-1] + 1)]
start_indices = [0] + start_indices
end_indices = [indices[i] for i in range(len(indices)-1) if indices[i+1] != (indices[i] + 1)]
end_indices = end_indices + [indices[-1]]
intervals = zip(start_indices, end_indices)
num_words = len(intervals)
spaces_each = num_spaces / (num_words - 1)
extra = num_spaces % (num_words - 1)
adjust = 0
for i in range(num_words-1):
end_of_prev = intervals[i][1]
start_of_next = intervals[i+1][0]
gap = start_of_next - end_of_prev - 1
if extra > 0:
if gap != spaces_each + 1:
s = s[:end_of_prev+1+adjust] + (spaces_each + 1) * ' ' + s[start_of_next+adjust:]
adjust = adjust + spaces_each + 1 - gap
extra = extra - 1
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