Honey is a package by Luke Downing that provides spam prevention tools like a honeypot, IP blocking, and reCaptcha integration.
Honeypot Integration
Honey makes it simple to start catching spam with its honeypot implementation. With this feature, a hidden input is part of the form that is not intended for users to fill out. Meanwhile, automated crawlers likely fill out all form inputs, which will trigger the Honey middleware on the backend.
Here’s all it takes to get started with the honey package:
<form action="{{ route('some.route') }}" method="POST">
<input type="email" placeholder="Your email" required />
<button type="submit">Subscribe!</button>
Route::post('/test', fn() => event(new RegisterInterest))
Along with honeypot, the Honey plugin provides a Google reCaptcha integration that you can use with a middleware or even get more granular control. To get started you can do the following in your form:
<form action="{{ route('some.route') }}" method="POST">
<input type="email" placeholder="Your email" required />
<button type="submit">Subscribe!</button>
If you choose to use the middleware, it’ll abort requests that are from bots:
Route::post('/test', fn() => event(new RegisterInterest))
->middleware(['honey', 'honey-recaptcha'])
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