Magento 2
you install the Magento 2 then visit 1st Dashboard
You will see this structure
is landing page.
• When you will be login admin panel
then you visit Dashboard.
• Then you will run these command
then your project is running smoothly.
to Magento root directory run command.
php bin/magento cache:clean
php bin/magento cache:flush
In order to Enable
Cache, you need to follow these instructions:
• Go to System
• Access Cache Management
• Enable the required cache types
After these steps visit next tab option
This store has multiple option which is
given below.
1.Setting: you can set your site by one clicks like which country sell your
product, location, store name, url, set base url, default pages, layouts,
cookies setting, session validation, currency setup by api, contact, content
management, google map api setting, default column grid, product fields auto
generation, storefront, product review, product alerts run settings, product
image placeholder, video, price, catalog search, search engine optimization,
category top navigation, downloadable product option, date time customer
option, security customer , sales yotpo ,account ,chart ,services etc.
Setting has main 4
1.All Stores 2. Configuration 3. Term
& Conditions
4.Order Status
1.All Stores: if
you visit then you will see this dialog box.
It is very simple if you want to add your
website store different url then you can set your website here.
2. Configuration: This is very important part of Magento you can set your website
here 60%. So it is very important and multiple tools are here so learn very
You can set your website
frontend, seo, price, product listing many more.
We can understand very
easily way. Simple steps, don’t take hyperness.
This is Configuration
dialog box. You can see this pick.
We discuss all steps of
configuration because it is very important.
You will see 9 tab in
configuration image. We discuss step by step.
General: General
is a tab of configuration. You can understand by this pick.
has 5 steps
1.Country Options
2.State Options
3.Local Options
4.Store Information
5.Single-Store Mode
explain all general steps.
• Country Options:
you can set you country according to your product. If you want to
sell some country then you can set by country like, USA, India, UAE, Austria,
New zee land, etc. if you want to sell all product word wide then you can
select all country.
Option: Like country option. You can select you state
according to your need.
Option: you can set your local zone.
Information: you can save your store information like name,
phone number, country, zip-code, address etc.
Don’t use last step because when you have multiple
store then you will use.
has 9 steps
1.Url Options
2. Search Engine Optimization
3.Base Urls
4.Base Url Secure
5.Default Page
6.Default Layouts
7.Default Cookies Setting
8.Session Validation Settings
9.Browser Capabilities Detection
explain all Web steps.
Q. When
Category not show in frontend
bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:clean
php bin/magento cache:flush
base url
refresh after show the category.
Q. Theme
Installation & Setup
1. Open xampp & open-shell then copy your
theme only two file
1. App
2. bin
Open shell and paste it
bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento cache:clean
Q. After
installation your css and js not working
Use this command
then your css & js work…
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
Q. The
stock item was unable to be saved
you check your elastic search are running or not if not running then your
product will not be save and no any updation.
Magento Add Store Information
How to create tax rule?
If you want
to create tax then flow these rule
1. Tax Rate
2. Customer Tax Class
3. Product Tax Class
Tax rate : according to country or state tax %.
Customer Tax Class: According to Whole Seller or Retailer
Product Tax Class : According to Goods
Currency Setup , Rate and Simbols
Here two steps currency setup
->Currency page
Stores :
->Currency rate
->Currency Simbol
You can set
rate of currency for exp.
$USD = 1
INR = 74 A$ = 1.4
If you has
not any rate key or you have not buy any rate changer software like fix , yahoo
Then you
can change the rate according country,
start. You have 1 product Rs.300 and you want to sell in USA then how to fix
the rate then you will use currency setup.
So like you
can fix your rate according to country.
You can understand by image.
Here are
two image 1st One dollar is equal to indian Rs. 75.27 and
is $1 = Australian Dollar rate: 53.24
But our
product amount is fix INR Rupees.
Here you
can easily understand $1 rate is Aud = INR = USD .
Product sell in india
Product sell in USA with out tax.
Product Sell in Australia with tax.
Here You
can calculate by rate 74.8000
A$ = 1.4
$ = 1
I hope you should
be learn very easily.
Setup and Configuration of Payment Method
-> Sale
-> Payment Method
->Payment page
You can set
here payment method and priority of which method will be show 1st .
Like :
Amazone, Google pay, Razorpay, COD, etc.
Q. Setup
and Configuration of Shipping Method
Q. Setup
Multi Stores?
1. 1st We create a category Exmp.
2. Then visit store menu
and click All Stores
3. After Open a page of
will see three steps
Create Store View
Create store
Create Website
you will click create store
make store according to your category “Grocery”
You can
understand by this image.
create you store then show this type of page
Then you will
create “create store view “ page…
When you will click
the button then open a page like this.. you can check image
Here you will
select your root category 1st then fill according to your store…
You can check image
Then visit
Open Configuration
Then Go to general
tab and click web tab it is very important.
You will see under
url options NO then you should Yes. Here is completed your task.
Your multistore is
Run command
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
Then Open the frontend and reload then you will see in bottom check
the images..
You will see the grocery in bottom menu.
Q. Change Multistore theme or Set
Multi Store Theme
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