First, let me describe the serial code. In the C code provided below, within both the first and second loops, we calculate 655 by 655 independent determinants. We then utilize weighted contributions to perform a summation over the second loop. The determinants are computed using LU decomposition. Ultimately, the objective is to compute the weighted contributions of these determinants.
I want to know which parallelization implementation would be better. That is, if there are multiple for loops, which loop should I consider for block and thread computation for time efficiency?
I have provided the details of these loops in the code below.
read_index(ind, ind_u, ind_d); // generates index for qc, det_store used later
int U=6;
for (it = 1; it < 64; it++) { // first loop, can be serial run
double sum1 = 0.0;
double sum2 = 0.0;
for (ii = 0; ii < 24*24*24; ii++) { // second loop, can be made parallel in blocks; values 24^3, 32^3, 48^3, 96^3}
read_qc(qc); // generates 4D qc array, different with each ii; size 3 * 3 * 4 * 4
int al[U], a[U], ap[U], alp[U]; // U=6
double _Complex A[U][U],AL[U][U],AU[U][U];
double _Complex det_store[655][655];
// every 655*655 has a A[6][6]
// det store [655][655]
int i,j,k,l;
for (i = 0; i < 655; i++) { //idx parallelize no dependency on above
for (k = 0; k < U; k++) { // al[k=U=6][i=655]
al[k] = ind[i][k]; //
a[k] = ind[i][k + U];
for (j = 0; j < 655; j++) { //jdx
for (k = 0; k < U; k++) {
alp[k] = ind[j][k];
ap[k] = ind[j][k + U];
for (k = 0; k < U; k++) {
for (l = 0; l < U; l++) {
A[k][l] = qc[a[k]][al[k]][ap[l]][alp[l]]; //Assigning the matrix element
Calculating the determinant using LU decomposition and storing them
LU_Decomposition(A, AL, AU);
det_store[i][j] = calculate_determinant(AU);
double _Complex temp;
//Uses above compute det
for (i = 0; i < 2716; i++) { //
for (j = 0; j < 2716; j++) { //
temp = weight[i]
* weight[j]
* det_store[ind_u[i]][ind_u[j]]
* det_store[ind_d[i]][ind_d[j]]; //combining the stored determinants using info from comb_he4.txt files
sum1 = sum1 + creal(temp);
sum2 = sum2 + cimag(temp);
printf("%d\t%.16E\t%.16E\n", it, sum1, sum2);
I am exploring various ideas and code snippets for an efficient implementation with minimal time stamp. If you can suggest improvements to LU_Decomposition functions with some CUDA libraries, that would also be helpful. Here is the LU_Decomposition function
void LU_Decomposition(double _Complex A[U][U], double _Complex L[U][U], double _Complex Up[U][U]) {
for (int i = 0; i < U; i++) {
// Upper Triangular Matrix
for (int k = i; k < U; k++) {
double _Complex sum = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
sum += (L[i][j] * Up[j][k]);
Up[i][k] = A[i][k] - sum;
// Lower Triangular Matrix
for (int k = i; k < U; k++) {
if (i == k) {
L[i][i] = 1; // The diagonal elements of L are 1
} else {
double _Complex sum = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
sum += (L[k][j] * Up[j][i]);
L[k][i] = (A[k][i] - sum) / Up[i][i];
I have parallelized the code mentioned above using CUDA by implementing a global kernel called gpu_sum. This kernel stores the reduced sum values for each iteration of the second loop, as described in the preceding C code. Below is the CUDA kernel
__global__ void gpu_sum(cuDoubleComplex *d_tqprop,
cuDoubleComplex *d_sum_nxyz,
int *d_deg_ind_up, int *d_deg_ind_down, float *d_deg_ind_weight,
int *d_ind, cuDoubleComplex *d_xdet){
int tid = threadIdx.x;
// int bid = blockIdx.x;
int gid = blockIdx.x;// * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
cuDoubleComplex sumA, temp_sumA, temp_sum;
cuDoubleComplex x1, x2, x3;
x3 = make_cuDoubleComplex(0.0,0.0);
temp_sum = make_cuDoubleComplex(0.0,0.0);
temp_sumA = make_cuDoubleComplex(0.0,0.0);
int start = 0;
int tx, k;
// int a[UP];
// int al[UP];
cuDoubleComplex d_A[UP*UP], d_UA[UP*UP], d_LA[UP*UP];
cuDoubleComplex detA;
curandState state;
curand_init(clock64(), tid, 0, &state);
__shared__ double sh_sum_re[SHMEM_SIZE];
__shared__ double sh_sum_im[SHMEM_SIZE];
int min_tx_det = (tid) * LOOP_DET_COUNT;
int max_tx_det = (tid + 1) * LOOP_DET_COUNT;
// int ap[UP];
// int alp[UP];
// int ap[UP][DET_COUNT];
for (int loopj = 0; loopj < DET_COUNT; loopj++) {
for (int i = 0; i < CHI_COUNT; i++) {
// ap[i][loopj] = d_ind[loopj * CHI_COUNT + i + UP];
alp[i][loopj] = d_ind[loopj * CHI_COUNT + i];
int index_det = 0;
for (tx = min_tx_det; tx < max_tx_det; tx++) {
if(tx < DET_COUNT){
// for (int i = 0; i < UP; i++) {
// a[i] = d_ind[tx * CHI_COUNT + i + UP];
// al[i] = d_ind[tx * CHI_COUNT + i ];
// }
for (int loopj = 0; loopj < DET_COUNT; loopj++) {
// for (int i = 0; i < UP; i++) {
// ap[i] = d_ind[loopj * CHI_COUNT + i + UP];
// alp[i] = d_ind[loopj * CHI_COUNT + i ];
// }
for (int i = 0; i < UP; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < UP; j++) {
index_det = d_ind[tx * CHI_COUNT + i + UP] * DCD
+ d_ind[tx * CHI_COUNT + i] * CD
+ d_ind[loopj * CHI_COUNT + j + UP] * DDIM
+ d_ind[loopj * CHI_COUNT + j];
// index_det = alp[i+UP][tx]*DCD + alp[i][tx]*CD + alp[j+UP][loopj]*DDIM + alp[j][loopj];
// d_A[i*UP + j] = d_tqprop[gid * CDCD + a[i]*DCD + al[i]*CD + ap[j]*DDIM + alp[j]];
d_A[i*UP + j] = d_tqprop[gid * CDCD + index_det];
// d_A[i*UP + j] = d_tqprop[gid * CDCD + a[i]*DCD + al[i]*CD + ap[j][loopj]*DDIM + alp[j][loopj]];
// d_A[i*UP + j] = d_tqprop[gid * CDCD + alp[i+UP][tx]*DCD + alp[i][tx]*CD + alp[j+UP][loopj]*DDIM + alp[j][loopj]];
dev_LUD(d_A, d_LA, d_UA);
d_xdet[gid * DET_COUNT * DET_COUNT + tx * DET_COUNT + loopj] = dev_DET_LUD(d_UA);
int min_tx_sum = (tid) * LOOP_COUNT_DEG_INDEX;
int max_tx_sum = (tid + 1) * LOOP_COUNT_DEG_INDEX;
if (min_tx_sum < DEG_INDEX_COUNT) {
if (max_tx_sum > DEG_INDEX_COUNT) {
max_tx_sum = DEG_INDEX_COUNT;
for (tx = min_tx_sum; tx < max_tx_sum; tx++) {
if (tx >= DEG_INDEX_COUNT) {break;}
for (int loopj = 0; loopj < DEG_INDEX_COUNT; loopj++) {
x1 = d_xdet[gid * DET_COUNT * DET_COUNT + d_deg_ind_up[tx] * DET_COUNT + d_deg_ind_up[loopj]] *
d_xdet[gid * DET_COUNT * DET_COUNT + d_deg_ind_down[tx] * DET_COUNT + d_deg_ind_down[loopj]];
temp_sum = x1 * make_cuDoubleComplex(d_deg_ind_weight[tx] * d_deg_ind_weight[loopj], 0.0) + temp_sum;
// if (gid == 0) {
// printf("temp_sum:%d\t %d\t %f \t %f\n", gid, tid, cuCreal(temp_sum), cuCimag(temp_sum));
// }
sh_sum_re[tid] = cuCreal(temp_sum);
sh_sum_im[tid] = cuCimag(temp_sum);
// Perform block reduction in shared memory
for (int s = blockDim.x / 2; s > 0; s >>= 1) {
if (tid < s) {
sh_sum_re[tid] += sh_sum_re[tid + s];
sh_sum_im[tid] += sh_sum_im[tid + s];
if (tid == 0) {
d_sum_nxyz[gid] = make_cuDoubleComplex(sh_sum_re[tid], sh_sum_im[tid]);
Here are some nsight-compute profiling results:
----------------------- ------------- ------------
Metric Name Metric Unit Metric Value
----------------------- ------------- ------------
DRAM Frequency cycle/nsecond 9.27
SM Frequency cycle/nsecond 1.44
Elapsed Cycles cycle 122692065
Memory Throughput % 27.62
DRAM Throughput % 27.62
Duration msecond 85.00
L1/TEX Cache Throughput % 23.78
L2 Cache Throughput % 21.30
SM Active Cycles cycle 113862083.87
Compute (SM) Throughput % 7.37
----------------------- ------------- ------------
WRN This kernel grid is too small to fill the available resources on this device, resulting in only 0.1 full
waves across all SMs. Look at Launch Statistics for more details.
My grid consists of 64 blocks, with each block containing 64 threads. However, when I increase the grid size, both the compute streaming multiprocessor (SM) throughput decreases and the time taken increases.
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