We use CQRS (Mediator pattern) for the database queries, and on each query handler we inject ICloudStackCoreConnectionFactory which includes (among others) a CreateConnection method that returns a DBConnection (in our case, a MySqlConnection):
public DbConnection CreateConnection(Region region)
return (DbConnection)new MySqlConnection(GetConnString(region));
I'd like to replace that MySqlConnection implementation by an in-memory connection so I can test with a reduced set of fake data, but I don't know how to do it.
We use a "Lab" to create all stuff needed for the tests, and the Lab includes a create method as follows:
public static Lab Create(ITestOutputHelper output)
var appFactory = Vdc.Libs.AspNet.Testing.Setup.Factory(
out var client,
out var authorize,
out var identity,
out var faker,
role: $"{VdcSecurity.Role.Management},{VdcSecurity.Role.ManagementAdmin}",
output: output,
setup: services =>
return new Lab(identity, appFactory, client, authorize, faker);
I know I could use Mock library to mock the ICloudStackCoreConnectionFactory interface, but as I debug, when the test starts the real "Program.cs" is launched, so is clear we are using the real hosted services and so I don't know how to replace only that interface with the mocked one.
Then I also don't know how to return a DBConnection In-Memory database with data in the "CreateConnection" method.
Any help?
Edit 1: The actual implementation of ICloudStackCoreConnectionFactory
// Summary:
// Allow create a connection with the CloudStack database for diferent regions
public sealed class MySqlCloudStackCoreConnectionFactory : ICloudStackCoreConnectionFactory
private sealed record QTaskInfo(Region Region, Task CountTask, Task DataTask);
private readonly CloudStackDBOptions _configuration;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary _connections = new ConcurrentDictionary();
public MySqlCloudStackCoreConnectionFactory(IOptions options, ILogger logger)
_configuration = options.Value;
_logger = logger;
public DbConnection CreateConnection(Region region)
return new MySqlConnection(GetConnString(region));
public async Task QuerySearchAsync(IRegionRepository regionRepository, string fetchDataQuery, string? countDataQuery = null, Dictionary? columnModelModel = null, Paging? paging = null, ColumnName[]? order = null, string[]? excludedOrder = null, Func? transform = null, object? param = null, Func? filter = null, bool skipDbPaging = false, CancellationToken ct = default(CancellationToken)) where TOut : class
string[] excludedOrder2 = excludedOrder;
int total = 0;
List response = new List();
List connections = new List();
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(fetchDataQuery);
if (order != null && excludedOrder2 != null && excludedOrder2.Length != 0)
order = order.Where((ColumnName o) => !excludedOrder2.Contains(o.Name)).ToArray();
if (order != null && order.Length != 0)
stringBuilder.Append(" ORDER BY");
ColumnName[] array = order;
foreach (ColumnName columnName in array)
string value = ((columnModelModel != null) ? columnModelModel[columnName.Name] : columnName.Name);
stringBuilder.Append(' ').Append(value).Append(columnName.Asc ? " ASC," : " DESC,");
stringBuilder.Remove(stringBuilder.Length - 1, 1);
if (paging != null && !skipDbPaging)
stringBuilder.Append(" LIMIT ").Append((paging.Page + 1) * paging.PageSize).Append(';');
fetchDataQuery = stringBuilder.ToString();
QTaskInfo[] array2 = ParallelizeTask(fetchDataQuery, countDataQuery, param, connections, await GetOnlineRegion(regionRepository, filter, ct));
Task[] array3 = new Task[2 * array2.Length];
for (int j = 0; j < array3.Length; j += 2)
int num = j / 2;
array3[j] = array2[num].CountTask;
array3[j + 1] = array2[num].DataTask;
Task.WaitAll(array3, ct);
ValueTask[] array4 = CloseConnection(connections);
for (int k = 0; k < array2.Length; k++)
var (region2, task3, task4) = array2[k];
IEnumerable result2 = task4.Result;
int result3 = task3.Result;
total += result3;
foreach (TDbItem item in result2)
TOut val = ((transform != null) ? transform(region2, item) : null) ?? (item as TOut);
if (val != null)
catch (Exception exception)
regionRepository.SetStatus(region2, online: false);
_logger.LogError(exception, "Error request region: {Region}", region2);
IQueryable result = response.AsQueryable().ApplySearch(paging, order);
_logger.LogInformation("Dispose all connection created");
ValueTask[] array5 = array4;
for (int l = 0; l < array5.Length; l++)
ValueTask valueTask = array5[l];
await valueTask;
TOut[] array6 = result.ToArray();
return ((countDataQuery == null) ? array6.Length : total, array6);
public async Task ExecuteAsync(IRegionRepository regionRepository, string sql, object? @params = null, Func? filter = null, CancellationToken ct = default(CancellationToken))
string sql2 = sql;
object params2 = @params;
Region[] array = await GetOnlineRegion(regionRepository, filter, ct);
List connections = new List();
Region[] array2 = new Region[array.Length];
Task[] array3 = new Task[array.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < array3.Length; i++)
Region region = array[i];
_logger.LogInformation("Creating connection for: {Region}", region);
DbConnection connection = CreateConnection(region);
Task task = Task.Run(async delegate
_logger.LogDebug("Creating connection for: {Region}", region);
return await connection.ExecuteAsync(sql2, params2);
catch (Exception exception2)
_logger.LogWarning(exception2, "Error query {Region}", region);
return 0;
array3[i] = task;
array2[i] = region;
Task[] tasks = array3;
Task.WaitAll(tasks, ct);
ValueTask[] array4 = CloseConnection(connections);
int total = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < array3.Length; j++)
Task task2 = array3[j];
Region region2 = array2[j];
int result = task2.Result;
total += result;
catch (Exception exception)
regionRepository.SetStatus(region2, online: false);
_logger.LogError(exception, "Error request region: {Region}", region2);
_logger.LogInformation("Dispose all connection created");
ValueTask[] array5 = array4;
for (int k = 0; k < array5.Length; k++)
ValueTask valueTask = array5[k];
await valueTask;
return total;
private static ValueTask[] CloseConnection(List connections)
return connections.Select((DbConnection s) => s.DisposeAsync()).ToArray();
private string GetConnString(Region region)
return region switch
Region.Europe => _configuration.Europe,
Region.Asia => _configuration.Asia,
Region.NA => _configuration.NA,
Region.Lab => _configuration.Lab,
_ => throw new NotSupportedException("Region is not supported"),
private static async Task GetOnlineRegion(IRegionRepository regionRepository, Func? filter = null, CancellationToken ct = default(CancellationToken))
Func filter2 = filter;
return (from p in await regionRepository.GetOnlineAsync(ct)
where p != Region.Lab
where filter2?.Invoke(p) ?? true
select p).ToArray();
private QTaskInfo[] ParallelizeTask(string fetchDataQuery, string? countDataQuery, object? param, List connections, Region[] onlineRegions)
string fetchDataQuery2 = fetchDataQuery;
object param2 = param;
string countDataQuery2 = countDataQuery;
QTaskInfo[] array = new QTaskInfo[onlineRegions.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
Region region = onlineRegions[i];
_logger.LogInformation("Creating connection for: {Region}", region);
DbConnection dataConnection = CreateConnection(region);
if (!_connections.GetOrAdd(region, value: false))
lock (_connections)
if (!_connections.GetValueOrDefault(region))
_connections[region] = true;
Task dataTask = Task.Run(async delegate
_logger.LogDebug("Run Query {Query} with {Args}", fetchDataQuery2, param2);
return await dataConnection.QueryAsync(fetchDataQuery2, param2);
catch (Exception exception2)
_logger.LogWarning(exception2, "Error query {Region}", region);
return Array.Empty();
Task countTask;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(countDataQuery2))
DbConnection countConnection = CreateConnection(region);
countTask = Task.Run(async delegate
_logger.LogDebug("Run Query {Query} with {Args}", countDataQuery2, param2);
return await countConnection.ExecuteScalarAsync(countDataQuery2, param2);
catch (Exception exception)
_logger.LogWarning(exception, "Error query {Region}", region);
return 0;
countTask = Task.FromResult(0);
array[i] = new QTaskInfo(region, countTask, dataTask);
return array;
Edit 2: This is our comple "Lab" class we use to initialize all elements needed for the tests (maybe it helps):
public sealed class Lab
private readonly Faker _faker;
private readonly IdentityInfo _identity;
private readonly WebApplicationFactory _appFactory;
private readonly IApiClient _apiClient;
private readonly AuthorizeOptions _authorize;
private readonly Account[] _data;
private Lab(IdentityInfo identity, WebApplicationFactory appFactory, IApiClient apiClient, AuthorizeOptions authorize, Faker faker)
_faker = faker;
_identity = identity;
_appFactory = appFactory;
_apiClient = apiClient;
_authorize = authorize;
_data = [
CreateAccount("Account1", AccountTypes.Managed),
CreateAccount("Account2", AccountTypes.Managed),
CreateAccount("Account3", AccountTypes.Unmanaged),
CreateAccount("Account4", AccountTypes.Internal),
CreateAccount("Account5", AccountTypes.Hybrid),
CreateAccount("Account6", AccountTypes.Hybrid),
CreateAccount("Account7", AccountTypes.Hybrid),
CreateAccount("Account8", AccountTypes.Hybrid)
public Faker Faker => _faker;
public Account[] Jobs => _data;
public IdentityInfo Identity => _identity;
public IApiClient ApiClient => _apiClient;
public AuthorizeOptions Authorize => _authorize;
public WebApplicationFactory AppFactory => _appFactory;
public async Task InitAsync(IServiceProvider provider, bool useEvents = false)
var unitOfWork = provider.GetRequiredService();
PopulateAccounts(provider, _data);
await unitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync();
EventSend? events = null;
if (useEvents)
Events.Capture(provider, events = new EventSend());
return events;
// ==============================================================================================================
static void PopulateAccounts(IServiceProvider provider, Account[] dataSample)
var accountRepository = provider.GetRequiredService();
IEnumerable data = dataSample;
/// Create a lab with the requirement of this project
public static Lab Create(ITestOutputHelper output)
var appFactory = Vdc.Libs.AspNet.Testing.Setup.Factory(
out var client,
out var authorize,
out var identity,
out var faker,
role: $"{VdcSecurity.Role.Management},{VdcSecurity.Role.ManagementAdmin}",
output: output,
setup: services =>
return new Lab(identity, appFactory, client, authorize, faker);
#region Private Methods
private Account CreateAccount(string accountName, AccountTypes typeId)
Account account;
var serializer = AppFactory.Services.GetRequiredService();
account = new Account
Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
Name = accountName,
CloudStackAccounts = new List(),
TypeId = typeId,
Order = 0
//Deleted = _faker.Date.Past(),
//SLID = _faker.Random.String2(6),
return account;
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