However, I observed that if I dismiss the bottom sheet 4 times in a row, the bottom sheet doesn't appear anymore and I get the following exception:
androidx.credentials.exceptions.NoCredentialException: During begin sign in, failure response from one tap: 16: [28436] Caller has been temporarily blocked due to too many canceled sign-in prompts.
That exception seems to come from the old 'One Tap' flow. As explained in the One Tap docs, "If a user cancels several prompts in a row, the One Tap client will not prompt the user for the next 24 hours".
Which leads to my question:
If a user who is trying to sign in into my app dismisses the credential prompt 4 times in a row (which I can easily see happening), what should I do? Telling them that they cannot use the app for 24 hours seems a bit excessive. Is there any alternative?
It's important to point out that the old GoogleSignInClient didn't have this limitation.
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