I'm trying to make web scraping with Python 3.10, and the library requests-HTML 0.10.0.
I attach the code:
from requests_html import HTMLSession
url = '
s = HTMLSession()
r = s.get(url)
products = r.html.xpath('/html/body/div[2]/div[2]/div', first=True)
for item in products.absolute_links:
r = s.get(item)
print(r.html.find('header.product-header', first=True).text)
When I try to extract information from the URL by Xpath, in the console shows the next output:
[D:urllib3.connectionpool] Starting new HTTPS connection (%d): %s:%s
[D:urllib3.connectionpool] %s://%s:%s "%s %s %s" %s %s
[D:asyncio] Using proactor: %s
[D:websockets.client] = connection is CONNECTING
[D:websockets.client] > GET %s HTTP/1.1
[D:websockets.client] > %s: %s
[D:websockets.client] > %s: %s
[D:websockets.client] > %s: %s
[D:websockets.client] > %s: %s
[D:websockets.client] > %s: %s
[D:websockets.client] > %s: %s
[D:websockets.client] > %s: %s
[D:websockets.client] < HTTP/1.1 %d %s
It doesn't show all the information from the items, only a little bit, like these:
[D:urllib3.connectionpool] %s://%s:%s "%s %s %s" %s %s
[D:urllib3.connectionpool] %s://%s:%s "%s %s %s" %s %s
Body-Solid Europe
Best Fitness Dumbbell Rack BFDR10
[D:urllib3.connectionpool] %s://%s:%s "%s %s %s" %s %s
[D:urllib3.connectionpool] %s://%s:%s "%s %s %s" %s %s
Best Fitness
Best Fitness Bench BFFID10
[D:urllib3.connectionpool] %s://%s:%s "%s %s %s" %s %s
[D:urllib3.connectionpool] %s://%s:%s "%s %s %s" %s %s
Best Fitness
Best Fitness Mountain Climber BFMC10
[D:urllib3.connectionpool] %s://%s:%s "%s %s %s" %s %s
[D:urllib3.connectionpool] %s://%s:%s "%s %s %s" %s %s
Body-Solid Europe
Best Fitness Multi-Station Gym BFMG30
[D:urllib3.connectionpool] %s://%s:%s "%s %s %s" %s %s
[D:urllib3.connectionpool] %s://%s:%s "%s %s %s" %s %s
Best Fitness
Best Fitness Center Drive Elliptical BFE1
[D:urllib3.connectionpool] %s://%s:%s "%s %s %s" %s %s
[D:urllib3.connectionpool] %s://%s:%s "%s %s %s" %s %s
Best Fitness
Best Fitness Olympic Bench BFOB10
[D:urllib3.connectionpool] %s://%s:%s "%s %s %s" %s %s
[D:urllib3.connectionpool] %s://%s:%s "%s %s %s" %s %s
Best Fitness
Best Fitness Functional Trainer BFFT10
[D:urllib3.connectionpool] %s://%s:%s "%s %s %s" %s %s
[D:urllib3.connectionpool] %s://%s:%s "%s %s %s" %s %s
Best Fitness
Best Fitness Leg Developer and Preacher Curl Attachment BFPL10
[D:urllib3.connectionpool] %s://%s:%s "%s %s %s" %s %s
[D:urllib3.connectionpool] %s://%s:%s "%s %s %s" %s %s
Best Fitness
Best Fitness Inversion Table BFINVER10
[D:urllib3.connectionpool] %s://%s:%s "%s %s %s" %s %s
[D:urllib3.connectionpool] %s://%s:%s "%s %s %s" %s %s
Body-Solid Europe
The most of the output are only:
D:websockets.client] < %s
[D:websockets.client] < %s
[D:websockets.client] < %s
[D:websockets.client] < %s
[D:websockets.client] < %s
[D:websockets.client] < %s
[D:websockets.client] < %s
[D:websockets.client] < %s
[D:websockets.client] < %s
[D:websockets.client] < %s
[D:websockets.client] < %s
[D:websockets.client] < %s
[D:websockets.client] < %s
[D:websockets.client] < %s
[D:websockets.client] < %s
[D:websockets.client] < %s
[D:websockets.client] < %s
[D:websockets.client] < %s
[D:websockets.client] < %s
[D:websockets.client] < %s
[D:websockets.client] < %s
I don't know what the problem is. I already installed the pyppeteer==1.0.0, because previously, I had this:
NoSuchKey. The specified key does not exist. No such object: chromium-browser-snapshots/Win_x64/1181205/chrome-win.zip
but now it's showing the "[D:websockets.client] < %s
[D:websockets.client] < %s"
I need to fix that error with the output to get the information from the URL by web scraping.
Python Web scraping [D:websockets.client] > GET %s HTTP/1.1 [D:websockets.client] > %s: %s doesn't show all the results
Programing Coderfunda
September 06, 2024
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