Backpack for Laravel is a collection of packages which allows you to create admin panels for any web app quickly. It provides a set of useful packages divided into three categories that will make the process of creating a highly customizable admin panel easier.
The fastest way to take a look at Backpack is by using the ready-made demo app which comes with all the packages preinstalled. If you want to use it in a real app, read the manual installation documentation which will be more suitable; you will only choose the packages you need.
To use the demo app, clone the demo repo by running the following command:
git clone backpack-demo
Then, customize your database information in the .env file.
Next, install the package through Composer by running:
composer install
Now, migrate the database by running the following command:
php artisan migrate
If you are using Valet, you can access the demo admin panel by visiting
in your browser.
Create a new user by clicking the register button on the top nav and filling in the form with your credentials. After you’ve logged in, you will see the Dashboard page:
Backpack comes with three different types of packages: core packages, ready-made CRUDs, and extensions.
Core Packages
There are two core packages. The first is Backpack\Base which consists of the AdminLTE theme integrated with an alert component and some views for login, register, forgotten passwords, and errors pages.
The second package is Backpack\CRUD which is accelerating the process of building CRUDs for admin panels. It provides more than 44 field types, DataTables integration, file browsing, and creating form requests for backend validation.
You can use Backpack\CRUD for building CRUDs manually like in this example in the docs, but we will take a look at a faster way for automatic CRUDs generation using Backpack\Generators later in this article.
Ready-Made CRUDs
Backpack provides five already built CRUDs which target the most commonly used CRUDs in web apps. Let’s take a look:
Backpack PermissionManager:
A CRUD for managing users, roles, and permissions so you can assign a user multiple roles and permissions.
Backpack Settings
An interface for easily changing the application settings, it provides different types of settings such as email, check boxes, text, numbers, etc. Be aware it does not include an interface for adding new settings, so you should add them directly to the database. If you want to retrieve any a setting’s value you can use Config::get('settings.admin_name')
Backpack PageManager
It’s a CRUD for creating pages for your website using predefined templates with any fields you want and ability to use various fields types. To define your templates, open app/PageTemplates.php file and add your template like this:
Now, you can create a new page using our new template like this:
Backpack NewsCRUD
It’s a CRUD for quickly creating anything related to news; you create articles, tags, categories with support for nesting categories and reordering them.
Add article interface:
Categories management page:
Backpack MenuCRUD
A CRUD for adding, editing, deleting, reordering, and nesting menu items. It provides the ability to use internal or external links, and you can link to a page from Backpack\PageManager.
Extensions Packages
Currently, there are three extension packages for Backpack; let’s take a look at each of them:
Backpack BackupManager:
An interface for creating and managing backups for files and database, it provides support for various drivers like S3, Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, etc. For more details, check out the package readme at github.
Backpack LogManager
An interface for dealing with Laravel log files. You can download, preview, or delete without accessing your server through SSH.
Backpack Generators
The generator is an essential package as it will accelerate the process of creating CRUDs and make it as simple as running a single command!
Let’s assume that we want to create a CRUD for products, so we want the following:
- A database table called products.
- A model app/Models/Product.php
- A controller
- A request
- A new route
To make that with Backpack\Generators:
- First, make the migration file:
php artisan make:migration:schema create_products_table --schema="name:string:unique" --model=0
- Then, migrate to the database:
php artisan migrate
- After that, use Backpack\Generators to create the CRUD:
php artisan backpack:crud product
- Last, open your routes/web.php to add the following route:
Route::group(['prefix' => config('backpack.base.route_prefix', 'admin'), 'middleware' => ['web', 'auth']], function () {
CRUD::resource('product', 'Admin\ProductCrudController');
Now, if you use Valet, open
in your browser and access the Products CRUD page so you can add and manage products easily:
Backpack Pricing
Backpack has two tiers of pricing. A free non-commercial license which includes personal use, non-profits, testing, and students. There is a commercial license priced at $19 if you are going to use it to generate income, such as being used by freelancers, employees, or companies.
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