When you are building a payment flow with Stripe there are a lot of different flows for you to test. These include successful charges and a plethora of failed options. Such as invalid CVC, invalid address, expired cards, declines, and more.
To make testing all these different flows easier, Jacob Bennett created a StripeTestToken package so you can easily create tokens for each case.
Testing Successful Charges
To test successful charges you can use one of the following methods from the package:
- validVisa
- validVisaDebit
- validMastercard
- validMastercardDebit
- validMastercardPrepaid
- validAmex
- validDiscover
- validDinersClub
- validJCB
Here is an example using the StripeTestToken::validVisa()
method to create a valid Visa card token and allows the charge to go through successfully.
use JacobBennett\StripeTestToken;
use Stripe\Charge;
'amount' => 500,
'curreny' => 'usd',
'source' => StripeTestToken::validVisa(),
Testing Failed Transactions
Testing failed transactions work in a similar fashion, but you will want to wrap it in a try/catch so you can consume the Stripe exception:
try {
'amount' => 500,
'curreny' => 'usd',
'source' => StripeTestToken::cvcFail(),
} catch (\Stripe\Error\Card $e) {
// handle errors
Other failed methods include:
- addressZipFail
- addressFail
- zipFail
- addressZipUnavailable
- cvcFail
- customerChargeFail
- successWithReview
- declineCard
- declineFraudulentCard
- declineIncorrectCvc
- declineExpiredCard
- declineProcessingError
- declineIncorrectNumber
Generating Test Card Numbers
If you are utilizing browser testing you may want to test the checkout flow using card numbers and this feature is included as well. Instead of calling StripeTestToken::validVisa()
you utilize StripeCardNumber::validVisa()
This StripeTestToken package looks like a great addition to your testing workflow when you are working with Stripe.
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