WordPress Categories
Here, we'll see how to add categories. By clicking on a category, user will be able to see the posts listed under that category.
What is a category
Categories allow a user to divide its content into different sections. Different topics publishing in a single website can be divided into different categories. It tells the reader what a post is about and they can easily find their content from a lot.
If no category is added, then by default category is uncategorized. To access category section click Posts > Categories

Look at the above snapshot, this is the category section.
How to add categories

Look at the above snapshot, there are four fields to be filled when adding a new category.
Name - Name of category which has to be unique
Slug - It is used in the URL to display your category. For example, if your category is Clothing and slug is women, then your URL will be like shopping.com/shop/women.
Parent - Here, you can add sub-categories to a category or you can choose none. This is optional.
Description - Descriptions are optional. You can add a brief description to your category.
After filling all the above entries, click on Add New Category button. On the right side of the page your new category will be added.

Look at the above snapshot, our new category clothing is added in the category list.
How to Edit Category
To edit a category, go to Posts > Categories. Hover your mouse to the category you want to edit.

Look at the above snapshot, there are several options to Edit, Quick Edit and Delete. Here you can change category name, slug, parent and description.
Edit - It allows you to edit all the fields name, slug, parent and description.
Quick Edit - it only allows you to edit name and slug.
How to Delete Category
You can also delete categories from the above snapshot. By deleting a category, its posts will not be deleted instead they will be transferred to by default category (if that post will not be listed under any other category).
Please remember you can't delete a by default category, before deleting it assign by default status to some other category.
How to Convert Category into Tag
Categories and tags both are different things in WordPress. Categories are sections while tags are keywords. WordPress provide you n option to change category into tag and tag into category.
Go to Tools > Import, following screen will appear.

Look at the above snapshot, there is an option of Categories and Tags Converter. It is asking for installation. Click on Install Now button.

Look at the above snapshot, after installation click on Run Importer.

Look at the above snapshot, you can select any option either to convert categories to tags or tags to categories.
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